Distinguished Service Award

Award Category


2020 Distinguished Service Award


Nominated for outstanding service to LAWR.

Maximum Award Recipients

  • 1 Award (staff, all Professor/CE levels)

Nomination/Application instructions:

This award is self-nomination or LAWR affiliated individuals can nominate eligible members of the LAWR community. Submit a nomination letter (1-page maximum, 0.5” margins, 12 pt. font, PDF) describing why you (self-nomination) or the nominee is deserving of the award. Include your (or the nominee’s) name and official title in the letter. Letters of reference cannot be provided by an individual who is receiving a letter of reference from the same individual for a different award (i.e., no quid pro quo). Eligibility: Limited to current LAWR members or those within six months of affiliation/appointment with the department.

Note: Submit all materials to awardsLAWR@ucdavis.edu by 5:00 pm (PST) on December 17, 2021. The awards committee reserves the right to nominate individuals for awards, withhold an award when no applications are received, and/or increase the number of awards when applications are equivalent in quality. Individuals can receive more than one award when eligible. Awards will be announced in Spring 2021.

Award Recipients

Timothy Doane The 2020 Distinguished Service Award is awarded to Timothy "Tad" Doane. Tad has worked as a Staff Research Associate in LAWR for six years. His exercises include preparation of LAWR's laboratory-based classes, maintenance of departmental equipment, serving as safety representative, general support of research efforts in LAWR, and occasional heavy lifting.



Past Award Recipients 2019

Chris Derr The 2019 Distinguished Service Award is awarded to Chris Derr, IT manager of the Metro Cluster, which includes the LAWR Department. Chris receives this award owing to his exceptional record of professionalism, responsiveness, intellect, and leadership supporting the department. His dedication to continuously improving IT-related information, offerings, and services are exceptional. The department and his staff enthusiastically and unanimously are thrilled for him to receive this award.



Anna Lee The 2019 Distinguished Service Award is awarded to Anna Lee, Executive Assistant of the LAWR Department. Anna receives this award owing to her enduring professionalism and service that underpins the functioning of the entire department. Anna’s reliability and adaptability to the dynamic and demanding nature of departmental administrative needs are one of her many characteristics that make her exceptional. Anna receives this award also for her soft skills; her kindness and patience do not go unnoticed by all she interacts with. Her dedication to serving the department while also serving as a role model of professionalism make this award exceptionally exciting and noteworthy to give to Anna this year.